
Dr Ineka Whiteman, PhD | Neuroscientist | Speaker | Facilitator | Consultant

The science of harnessing the dynamic brain & mind


Healthy Brain. Healthy Mind. Extraordinary Life.

The human brain and mind are exquisitely complex, dynamic and magnificent in design. Capable of achieving extraordinary things, our brain and mind are designed not to simply survive in life, but to truly flourish and thrive.    

Yet in the fast-paced, high-pressure demands of modern life, the common challenges of anxiety, stress, negative thinking, depression, poor lifestyle choices and poor health prevent us from living our ‘best life’. 

As a Doctor of Neuroscience, Dr Ineka Whiteman PhD is passionate about helping people understand the science of the brain, mind and body, the inextricable relationship between them, and the simple, practical ways we can nourish, enrich and harness their potential. 

An authentic and popular keynote speaker, Ineka’s teaching expertly incorporates the latest scientific research into understandable, interactive presentations, that engage and inspire audiences of all ages and walks of life.


Popular Teaching Topics

Tailoring presentations and workshops for conferences, festivals, schools, corporate and community groups, Dr Ineka’s key areas of expertise include:








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